Carlos Andres Mora

Carlos Andres Mora is an Attorney for EPGD Business Law at our Bogota Satellite Office.

Lawyer from Universidad de la Sabana, and Founder of the company MORAGAITAN Abogados-,

He has 12 years of experience as a consultant in corporate law in companies in the real sector and services. He’s characterized by his ease as a negotiator, visionary and mentor in the creation of new businesses.

He has collaborated with his experience in several recognized companies in Colombia, both from public and private industry sector.

He specialized in the Universidad del Rosario in tax law, intellectual property. In the same way in Sergio Arboleda University in Labor Law.
Currently, his law firm has national and international clients through which he has managed to develop projects on issues related to Intellectual Property, Corporate Law, Corporate Governance, Family protocols, creation of business structures at national and international level and relationship management of personal.

In conjunction with its law firm, he has expanded its services to sectors such as accounting and auditing – MGA NUMBERS – personnel management – MGA PAYROLL-, and administration of foreign companies – MGA SOFTLANDING-.

He has been a member of the Board of Directors of companies in the port sector, sugar mills, and advertising agencies, among others. Representative of Port Businessmen of the Port of Buenaventura before the OIT and the Ministry of Labor in the collective negotiations with the unions of the sector. Legal Representative and consultant of maritime agency and technology companies, both traditional companies and also with entrepreneurs.

On a Personal Note:

  • Carlos Andrés in his free time enjoys playing golf and tennis, and traveling with his family.

The Entrepreneur's Handbook

This is a quick legal reference guide covering 16 topics that every business owner needs to have to start a business.


El Manual del Empresarios

Esta es una guía rápida de referencia jurídica que cubre 16 temas que cada empresario necesita saber para empezar un negocio.