Carolina Rosso

Carolina Rosso Headshot

She is currently 1st in her class, at Florida International University College of Law, and she graduated magna cum laude in her Bachelor of Business Administration, at Florida International University.

Carolina Monroy Rosso, originally from Santa Cruz, Bolivia yet half Czech, grew up in Paris and London before moving to Miami, FL. Her international background coupled with her undergraduate degree in International Business and her legal knowledge, still being formed in law school, create her globalized perspective and international approach to problem solving. She knows four languages–English, Spanish, French, and Czech–and due to her unique upbringing and life experiences, she easily relates to many cultures. 

Furthermore, Carolina shows a deep commitment to her community and to others, as she strives to be a valuable asset to the world. She exemplifies this commitment through her diligent work in a non-profit platform she founded to aid Bolivia in its socioeconomic development, “Unidad Para Bolivia.” 

Carolina believes that law and justice are foundational to a functioning and progressing society, and it is in upholding and promoting these values that each person can do their part to better humanity. Her personal motto, which encapsulates her vision, is that “one should strive to maximize one’s capabilities not for the benefit of the self but to add value and to benefit the whole–one’s community, one’s country, the world.” It is with this perspective that she engages in everything she undertakes. She is currently 1st in her class, at Florida International University College of Law, and she graduated magna cum laude in her Bachelor of Business Administration, at Florida International University. 

Observing her personal interests, Carolina loves to run on the beach, play tennis, ski, play the piano, sing, paint, advocate for democracy and justice, and travel the world to discover its endless hidden gems. She also loves to design for a brand she founded in the fashion industry, “Croco Rosso.”


The Entrepreneur's Handbook

This is a quick legal reference guide covering 16 topics that every business owner needs to have to start a business.


El Manual del Empresarios

Esta es una guía rápida de referencia jurídica que cubre 16 temas que cada empresario necesita saber para empezar un negocio.