EPGD Law Borrower's Representative
Eric Gros-Dubois

Who is a Borrower’s Representative?

Borrower’s Representative means an individual or an organization that is designated by the Borrower to act on behalf of the Borrower by a written certificate and complying with the requirements of the applicable state. The borrower’s representative always requires some written proof of authority before being able to act on behalf of the borrower.

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Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Should you Lease Property to a Business?

Saving money on taxes is a great incentive to consider leasing your assets to a corporation.  It is common for shareholders of corporations to lease real estate, equipment, and other property, such as vehicles, to the corporation, either directly or indirectly.

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Estate Planning
Kathrine Karimi

Can you Revoke or Amend a Trust?

Trusts allow a third party, or trustee, of your choosing, to hold assets on behalf of a beneficiary or beneficiaries.  One of the great factors of a trust, is that trusts tend to avoid probate. Probate is the process after a person passes or becomes disabled; their assets are put on hold until the will is validated, any remaining debt is paid off, and the beneficiaries of the will are identified.  Probate can be a long and stressful process for your loved ones. 

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Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

How to Properly Dissolve a Florida Nonprofit Organization

When a nonprofit corporation decides to close its doors, there are steps that the organization must follow to legally terminate its operations or dissolve. Similarly, to for-profit corporations, nonprofit corporations must file Articles of Dissolution with the Florida Department of State. But that is not the final step.

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Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Can a Dissolved Company sue?

Voluntary dissolution is an action taken by shareholders or incorporators to dissolve a corporation. This process is typically initiated by a vote of the corporation’s stockholders. Under a voluntary dissolution, the company will stop to exist as a legal entity.

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Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Dissolving a Delaware Corporation

Corporations lean on Delaware’s favorable business laws when it is time to incorporate their business. However, what happens when you want to dissolve your Delaware corporation?

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Estate Planning
Kathrine Karimi

What Happens to a Car Lease After the Car Lessee’s Death?

Often times, payments still need to be made and the payments become the responsibility of the deceased car lessee’s estate. Sometimes car dealerships will negotiate with the personal representative of the deceased’s estate and may be able to transfer the remaining lease to another person.

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