Business Law
Aviv Asoulin

Are Electronic Signatures Valid for Binding a Contract?

The use of electronic signatures for a wide variety of legal documents has been a key component of the internet age, providing corporations and clients alike with a streamlined process for signing documents. However, while electronic signatures have become the predominant choice for most, there are still many questions that surround them. Namely among these concerns is whether or not they are legal in binding contracts.

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Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Commercial Impracticability: Is COVID-19 an Excuse for Nonperformance?

As many of our questions are still left in the unknown, there may come some ease knowing that the law offers consideration during times like this. More recently, government intervention and closures have created shortages in staff and labor workers, while a shortfall in supplies have deviated businesses from performing their contractual duties.

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Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

What to Do If My Client Owes Me Money?

If your client fails to make a payment, often times, you as a business owner are consequently left with an unpaid balance. This can result in repetitive and tedious attempts to collect the unpaid invoices and may impose a strain on your client relationship.

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EPGD Law Entertainment Law
Business Law
Silvino Diaz

How to sell Design (Part 2)

You offer a service of which you are an expert; However, you have to justify that value. The goal is for the client to understand the value of the service.

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EPGD Law Entertainment Law
Business Law
Silvino Diaz

How to sell Design (Part 1)

Most clients, in those first meetings, are looking to know what you are thinking as a designer, so they can then go to another one with whom they have more trust so they can do a similar job to the one you presented. Many times, they end up doing poor work.

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EPGD Law Entertainment Law
Intellectual Property Law
Silvino Diaz

8 Things to keep in mind when Inventing (Part 2)

Once the application is submitted, a rigorous evaluation by USPTO officials follows, to certify that what you present as your “claim” in your application is useful, novel and non-obvious. It is also used to check that there is no current patent on it.

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hand holding money
Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

What is a Promissory note?

We’ve all heard the old story of two friends sitting at a bar and one agrees to loan the other money. They write out an agreement on a napkin for the loan and believe it or not, if the writing on the napkin includes the required terms, it can be a binding promissory note and enforceable in court.

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