
Eric Gros-Dubois

Termination of Tenancy at Will in Florida

During these trying times due to COVID-19, many Miami residents have been out of work for months, making it nearly impossible to keep up with rent payments. Many of these Miami residents are being evicted. In some cases, these tenants have reached the end of their lease or do not have a written lease. The lack of a written lease may give the landlord the impression they can evict the tenant whenever they want, but Florida law states differently.

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Covid-19 employer aid and tax credit
Eric Gros-Dubois

COVID -19 Employer Aid & Tax Credits

The COVID-19 pandemic has been looming over businesses and employees for a majority of the year. Florida businesses have been greatly affected and unemployment numbers have increased substantially throughout the pandemic. Miami businesses, in particular, were greatly affected due to county wide quarantine shutdowns and curfews. Many of these businesses that have been severely impacted by the pandemic will qualify loans through the CARES Act and two new employer tax credits.

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EPGD Law Employment
Employment Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

What If I Was Furloughed In Florida?

According to Section 110.107(11) of the Florida Statutes, “Furlough” means a temporary reduction in the regular hours of employment in a pay period, or temporary leave without pay for one or more pay periods, with a commensurate reduction in pay, which is necessitated by a projected deficit in any fund that supports salary and benefit appropriations.

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EPGD Law Wedding Contract
Eric Gros-Dubois

Can You Cancel Your Wedding During COVID-19?

The Wedding Industry is a 70+ billion-dollar industry. In light of COVID-19, the hospitality industry is suffering and facing uncertainty. Venues, vendors, and hotels are struggling to carry on or cancel the events. Meanwhile, engaged couples are unsure if their families will be able to travel safely or if there might be a way to host their events safely despite the circumstances.

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The Entrepreneur's Handbook

This is a quick legal reference guide covering 16 topics that every business owner needs to have to start a business.


El Manual del Empresarios

Esta es una guía rápida de referencia jurídica que cubre 16 temas que cada empresario necesita saber para empezar un negocio.