
Eric Gros-Dubois

Termination of Tenancy at Will in Florida

During these trying times due to COVID-19, many Miami residents have been out of work for months, making it nearly impossible to keep up with rent payments. Many of these Miami residents are being evicted. In some cases, these tenants have reached the end of their lease or do not have a written lease. The lack of a written lease may give the landlord the impression they can evict the tenant whenever they want, but Florida law states differently.

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Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Commercial Impracticability: Is COVID-19 an Excuse for Nonperformance?

As many of our questions are still left in the unknown, there may come some ease knowing that the law offers consideration during times like this. More recently, government intervention and closures have created shortages in staff and labor workers, while a shortfall in supplies have deviated businesses from performing their contractual duties.

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Business Law
Oscar Gomez

What is Business Interruption Insurance?

Business interruption insurance (or business income insurance) is a kind of insurance coverage that provides a business with funds that are meant to substitute for income that is lost due to the interruption of the business operations.

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Oscar Gomez

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act

The FFCRA applies to only businesses with less than 500 employees. Divisions C and E establish two new laws that will take effect April 2, 2020 and will remain in effect until December 31, 2020 – the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.

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Eric Gros-Dubois

What Happens if my City Passes an Emergency Ordinance in Response to COVID -19 that is More Restrictive than My State’s Emergency Order? Which Law do I Follow?

When conflict between laws or orders issued from different levels of government exists, the law at the higher level will typically govern unless that law or declaration is found to be unconstitutional.  For instance, when federal and state law is in conflict, the federal law will supersede, or preempt, the state law and take precedence due to the supremacy clause of the United States Constitution. 

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The Entrepreneur's Handbook

This is a quick legal reference guide covering 16 topics that every business owner needs to have to start a business.


El Manual del Empresarios

Esta es una guía rápida de referencia jurídica que cubre 16 temas que cada empresario necesita saber para empezar un negocio.