Economic Substance (Companies and Limited Partnerships) Act

Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

What to Know About the British Virgin Island Economic Substance Act

The Act came into effect on January 1, 2019 and was amended on January 30, 2019.  The Act was established based on concerns rising from the EU (European Union) Code of Conduct Group for Business Taxation and OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) guidance around the economic substance of entities in jurisdictions a very low to zero percent corporate tax.

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The Entrepreneur's Handbook

This is a quick legal reference guide covering 16 topics that every business owner needs to have to start a business.


El Manual del Empresarios

Esta es una guía rápida de referencia jurídica que cubre 16 temas que cada empresario necesita saber para empezar un negocio.