
Business Law
Silvino Diaz

What Constitutes a Valid Escrow in Florida?

An escrow occurs when property is held by a third party until the occurrence of a predetermined event, at which time the third party delivers the property as instructed by the parties to the transaction.  Thus, an escrow agent is the intermediary third-party depositary assisting the parties to the transaction.  Escrows are used to ensure that the parties to the underlying transaction act as agreed upon.

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Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

What is a Corporate Monitor in Florida?

Monitors are usually appointed to perform a specific set of duties, and often only have a single-purpose duty. Corporate monitors only supervise rather than manage. Specifically, the Department of Justice has stated that the scope of the monitor ship should be tailored to address the specific issues and concerns that created the need for a monitor.

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The Entrepreneur's Handbook

This is a quick legal reference guide covering 16 topics that every business owner needs to have to start a business